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Hey guys, 

This script is great to bring a new freetime activity to your roleplay server. Also this can support roleplay events like Police Department Recruiting or Weapon license trainings.



- Configure as many Shootingranges around the map as you want

- Different Weapons can be used or borrowed for a fee

- Top 10 Scoreboard with a beautiful UI, which is resetted after a certain period (can be set up in the config)

-> Also includes configurable rewards when you reach the Top 10

- Different difficulties with point multipliers depending on the difficulty

- Personal records are saved in the database and you can always check your current position at the Top 10 scoreboard

- Admin Command /deleteScoresShootingrange to reset the current Top 10 period ingame

- Everything is configurable in the Config: including all strings

-> As always translations for english and german are already there.

- All files are free to edit. Only a couple of functions, which would and should never be changed are protected with the Escrow System. Through this the script is protected.


- NativeUI