With this script we present an advanced all-in-one taxi job for your server!
- Dispatch system
-> The player can use a command or a function in a phone to call a taxi.
-> All on-duty taxi drivers get a notification and can accept the dispatch
- Advanced missions system
-> VIP Missions: VIP guests which have to be shuttled with a Stretch limousine
-> Business Missions: Set up different high-class vehicles to shuttle business owners
-> Taxi Missions: Normal missions where the default cab is being used.
Advanced boss menu/management system:
- Create your job outfits ingame: The boss can create the outfit and everybody can access this
- Manage all job grades ingame (salary etc.) AND create, rename or reorganize your grades completely ingame!
-> For QB only those options are there, which are possible in the framework. Everything else is exactly like in the ESX version!
- Society money and everything a boss menu usually also does
Different missions type:
Example missions task: