Main documents interface to show own and saved documents from other players
10 included documents:
-> You can change everything in this documents: all texts can be changed and translated
- Set up different documents for your server (10 designs included)
-> You can set up an optional required license or job for every document
- Documents available:
- ID Card
- Driving License
- Hunting License
- Aircraft License
- Boat License
- Weapon License
- LSPD ID Card
- LSMD ID Card
- Lawyers License
- Business Card
- You can save documents shown by other players and open them later
- With a configurable Job you can give licenses to other players
-> Also different jobs configurable to give different types of licenses
- Everything is configurable -> Also all designs can be translated and changed 100%.
Config: files:
- Config.lua:
- Config.json:
- Config_de.json: