Hey guys,
today I want to present myCarthief. This is a script, which allows your players to steal vehicles and get money for them.
The player can decide, whether he would:
- Search a vehicle: Than there is a radius given and the player have to find a certain car. If he found it, he have to use a lockpick (can be disabled in Config) and bringt it back to a delivery point.
- Steal a vehicle: Than he can select a diffulty. Depending on the difficulty there are NPCs, which are completely configurable in the Config.lua. The player have to fight against this NPCs, to get the vehicle. Afterwards he also have to bring the vehicle back to a delivery point.
Of course other player can also help to finish a mission!
- Fully configurable
- Opportunities for Gangs/Groups - in general makes the crime RP more interessting
- Cop Dispatches
- Difficulty can be choosen
- Easy to use also for Newbies (for Search Missions nothing, regardless the lockpick, is required)
- As always: Available in English and German (Can be translated compeletely in Config.lua)
- NativeUI